
Subscription Flow

Subscription Flow

  • It is often taken for granted how complex it can be to set-up and manage your subscriptions
    • This can be one of the worst time and positivity vampires for online fitness professionals

Here are the components of a successful and fully automated subscription set-up

  • Obviously it starts with a clean check-out system hosted right on your website
  • We need to create a way for your clients to cancel
    • We will make this obvious and intuitive so you are bothered as little as possible
    • Your clients will submit a form to trigger:
      • We delay until the end of their current billing cycle and remove them
  • We need to freeze clients on a failed payment, if they still have access to their training they will be more likely to drag their feet
    • .We send them a collection nudges emails, and reactivate them once their payment is successful
  • We will set-up the ability to have them change their billing information without you needing to be involved.

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