

Twin Fitness

Created on November 11, 2022
Valid until November 18, 2022
Version 1

Automated Client Journey


Leave the admin work to your automations and focus on what you do best - coaching. Creating an automated client journey ensures you don't miss any more welcome e-mails, contracts, or questionnaires which deliver valuable content and actionable items necessary for your client onboarding.

  • Add/update all clients to ActiveCampaign, Trainerize, and a Google sheet database.
  • Create custom fields, tags and lists for contact segmentation.
  • Serious entrepreneurs store information such as:
    • Products purchased, challenge expiration date, birthdate and more.
      • You'll thank me when we are able to use this data for targeted email marketing campaigns down the road. 😉
  • We'll send them a professionally branded welcome email with a GIF in it.
  • This professionally branded confirmation email will also contain a health questionnaire and liability waiver. We will collect the form along with a legally binding e-signature. (You never can be too careful or too professional!).
  • We'll send them a professionally branded welcome email with a GIF in it.



  • The client will enter an automation that checks to make sure they have filled out and signed the form. They will get a couple gentle nudges until they do.
    • There is zero reason that you should have to chase people around to get documents signed. We can automate the follow up until they fill out and sign the document.
    • The way we set our system up is that we will have an automation that gets triggered when they sign the form. We then remove them, so they no longer get the reminder messages (ummm...awkward 🤪).
    • We will create a visual system, so you can see who has signed and who has not.
  • Auto-assign each client 1 of 12 programs based on their questionnaire responses (programs to be built by Twin Fitness).
  • Auto-assign each client 1 of 5 habits based on their questionnaire responses.
  • Auto-assign macros in Trainerize based on their questionnaire responses.
  • Auto-assign each client 1 of up to 48 meal plans based on their questionnaire responses. (meal plans to be built by Twin Fitness).
  • Auto-assign to desired Trainerize groups.
  • Set Trainerize messaging access (1 or 2-way messaging).
  • Add all health questionnaire responses to a Google sheet database.
  • Collect legally binding signatures (Legal verbiage to be provided by Twin Fitness).
  • Automated e-mail sequences:
    • Welcome email sequence containing any onboarding forms or contracts.
    • Reminder sequences that prompt completion of forms or contracts.
  • Automated Prospect Journey

    Generate and convert your leads! We will create a sales funnel that generates new leads and establishes you as the perfect fit to help them achieve their health and fitness related goals.

    We will use a 3 pronged approach.

    1. High Converting Lead Magnet
    2. Fully Optimized Client Relationship Management System
    3. Strategic Email Nurture Campaign

    1. High Converting Lead Magnet

    • We'll design an irresistible free offer that you'll offer in exchange for email addresses. We can do a macro calculator app or repurpose any content you have into a digital asset.
    • Click here to view a demo of a branded macro calculator.

    An automated prospect journey helps you store pertinent information about your leads so you can improve your sales game.

    2. Fully Optimized Client Relationship Management Software

    Create more value for your audience by tracking who actually opts-in for our lead magnet or otherwise shows interest in your business.

    • Add all leads to ActiveCampaign and Google sheet database
      • Create custom fields, tags and lists for easy contact segmentation
      • Store contact information such as lead source
    • We'll create a visual "Pipeline" in ActiveCampaign to show the following:
      • New leads
      • Lead Magnet Consumed
      • High Engagement
      • Purchases

    • We'll set up "Contact Scoring" then monitor each engagement the contact has with your brand.
    • Which web pages visited, email opens, email clicks, etc.
    • Whenever contacts break engagement thresholds we will send them targeted offers to achieve conversion.
    • Google sheets analytics to show your key conversion metrics

    3. Onboarding Email Nurture/Sales Campaign

    Optimize the layout and language for your specific target market segment in a full email campaign designed to help all prospects KNOW > LIKE > TRUST TwinFitness

    It takes an average of nine touchpoints to convert someone these days

    Nine (9). That's a LOT. 

    The good news is, you already have their email and they've probably seen you 1 - 3 times already. 

    And once you have their email -- the next few touches are free.

    They've invited you into their inbox and their motivation is at an all-time high.

    They are curious about you and what you can do for them. So, let's tell them.  

    This email campaign uses five strategically timed emails to invite the reader into TwinFitness's mission, by positioning you as the Guide. It builds their confidence in you...

    ...and then goes for the sale. Converting more prospective leads into recurring sales that grow the foundation of everything else you want to do. 

    Here's the deal: 

    Five killer emails to convert people who are at their highest curiosity about TwinFitness and their highest motivation to act

    2 attention-grabbing subject lines per email, so you get people who want it clever and people who need it to be clear (automated to capture prospects with unopened emails)

    A connected, coherent journey through the email sequence that invites prospects along and makes them beg to join you in your mission (starting with their own personal health) 

    Marketing Website

    • Expert collaborative sales copy written using the StoryBrand framework.
      • Donald Miller's Storybrand framework is the gold standard for inviting your clients into a story where they are the hero, and you are the perfect guide-by-the-side to ensure they reach their goals.
      • Clients don't just sign up because you are awesome (although that is true😊), people sign up because you're awesome at making them awesome.
      • We will be absolutely obsessed with creating a website that looks incredible, but nothing is more important than the words you use to get visitors to take action.
      • Our experienced team of copywriters will get to know your specific value propositions and tone of voice and set you up for success!
      • Professionally designed visual content to draw in the attention of your target market.

    We would love it if you clicked this link and visited our portfolio page to browse some of our previous work.

    • Full online store functionality and shopping cart to sell one-time purchases and subscriptions.
      • We will create product pages for your challenge and subscription services.
      • Paypal Integration.
    • Site Tracking is installed to monitor specific activity of your email contacts.
      • This lets us see which pages your visitors look at and send ultra-targeted emails to increase conversions!
      • Think of someone who visits your booking page, then there is no appointment booked. You can email them and offer a free consult and get them to complete the booking process.
    • Dedicated booking software negating the need for ongoing subscription to Calendly, Acuity, etc.
      • Very likely this is the software you used to book your appointment with us.
      • It is extremely pleasing to the eye and will be totally on brand and live on your custom domain name.
      • The more professional you look, the more you will be respected professionally!
      • Own this outright without a monthly payment for it!
    • Professionally automated health questionnaire/waiver/contract functionality with legally binding signatures.
      • To have e-signatures be legally binding, not just any software will do. It has to carry a high standard of encryption, so the law can be confident the signature wasn't tampered with.
      • Again, there is zero monthly cost for you to own this software!
    • Automated Testimonial Video Collection System built into the website. Social proof is powerful. Take advantage of a top tier automated system to capture a never-ending stream of marketing content for your brand.
    • Google Analytics installed.
      • You may not be ready to analyze site visitor behavior, but we want to make sure we are collecting the data, so that when you are ready, you can look at the entire history.
    • Landing Page Templates that you can use to replace services like ClickFunnels.
      • ThriveThemes is one of the premier landing page building software in the world.
      • There's a whole library of templates you can use that we will install right on your site.
      • It has all the bells and whistles with countdown timers, pop-ups, multistep opt-ins and integrates easily with your CRM, so you can nurture your relationships with any leads/clients
    • Professionally styled blog page.
      • We HIGHLY suggest you embrace content marketing for your business.
      • Having a blog is one of the best ways to remind your contact list that you can solve their problems and help them see you as a thought leader in your field.
    • You'll have software to create robust, on-brand custom forms for anything you can dream up!
      • Want to do a survey? No problem!
      • Are you a fan of form based assessments? We have you covered!
      • Do you use a weekly check-in form? Consider it done!
    • Embed Social Media reviews and social media feeds like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook right on your site!
      • The buzzword "Omnichannel Marketing" exists for a good reason.
        • The more channels you can use to educate, inspire or entertain your audience, the more conversions you will have!



    Conversion Focused Marketing Website


    Automated Client Journey


    Automated Prospect Journey


    Full VIP Onboarding

    We have tutorials and will make custom videos on how to use everything we supply for you. What's the point of having a Ferrari if you don't know how to drive it???

    • We have an active support system, where you will be able to ping us from our website whenever you have questions.
    • The last thing we want to do is build all of this then not have you be comfortable enough to execute your vision.

    Other Costs

    • Fitness Marketing Machine Hosting & Data Plan - Starts at $99/month. This covers the cost to host your website and run your automations and troubleshoot any issues.
    • ActiveCampaign (Email Automation) - You'll need the Plus plan which starts at $49/month. You can start a free trial here.
    • Twilio (Text Automation) - $1/month + $.005 per text. This is an optional service we recommend if you want to send automated texts.

    Next Steps

    • We estimate this project will be finished within 14 weeks of your onboarding call.
    • To accept this proposal, please click the "Accept Proposal" button below.
    • If you check the prepay box, we will include 5% off the invoice sent to you
    • If you do not check it, you will be billed 50% of the amount up front, then 50% upon project delivery
    • You will be redirected to sign our Service Agreement.
    • You'll have the option to tick the boxes of the products that you would like to take advantage of.
    • You'll receive a link in your email to complete payment.
    • Once payment is completed, your onboarding process will begin and a team member will get in touch to schedule your onboarding call.
    • We will give you all further instructions at the meeting for launching this amazing project!

    If you have any questions about the services we have proposed, don’t hesitate to contact us at mike@fitnessmarketingmachine.net at any time.